Monday, August 31, 2009

WND: Czar: 'Spread the wealth! Change the whole system'

There's sensible environmental policy and then there's the policy position of the White House 'environmental czar'....

This is a radicalized view of climate change and what the goal of at least one of the persons--in this case the main person--assigned with implementing the policies of the Obama Administration.
Van Jones, Environmental Czar to President Obama, spoke just days prior to a youth climate convention about his philosophy and encouraged the youth attending the conference to follow.

"If all you did was have a clean energy revolution, you wouldn't have done anything. ...You'll have bio-fueled bombers and we'll be fighting wars over lithium for the batteries instead of oil for the engines," he said to applause. "This movement is deeper than solar power. ... Don't stop there! We are going to change the whole system!" he exclaimed.

World Net Daily has an exclusive report on the radical views concerning not only environmental policy (some would say outright communist-leaning) but also opinions about the 9/11 terrorist attacks that blame the United States first.

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