Wednesday, August 12, 2009

SPECIAL INTERVIEWS: District 18 Senate Special Election

This posting begins a series of interviews with industry leaders and opinion-makers on this issue of energy security and independence. It is my hope this regular contribution through interviews and opinion editorials will spur constructive dialogue on the importance of energy and how Kentucky can play an integral part in all facets of energy development.

We begin our regular series of one-on-one interviews with the candidates for the recently vacated State Senate seat in the 18th District, which comprises the following Kentucky counties: Bracken, Carter, Greenup, Lewis, Mason, and Robertson.

The two candidates responses will be posted here Thursday, August 13th, 2009.

The Special Election to fill this vacancy will be on Tuesday, August 25th, and the candidates are Dr. Jack Ditty (R) and State Representative Robin Webb (D). You may link to their campaign websites by clicking on their respective names. Each candidate was posed the same set of 10 questions regarding energy and energy independence and security, with the focus on what Kentucky's position would and their vision for developing energy. Each candidates responses are posted in their entirety with no editing or redaction.

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