Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Foundry: USDA Estimates Of Waxman-Markey’s Costs To Farmers Are Mostly Fertilizer

USDA Estimates Of Waxman-Markey’s Costs To Farmers Are Mostly Fertilizer

Excerpt: The Congressional Budget Office’s low ball analysis of the Waxman-Markey global warming bill’s costs allowed President Obama to claim that this bill would cost each household no more than a postage stamp per day. Now, a preliminary analysis by the US Department of Agriculture insists the news is even better for farmers – this bill will have negligible costs in the near term and might actually make them money over the long term.

The Heritage Foundation strongly disagrees, not to mention the American Farm Bureau Federation and most other farm groups. The reality is that farming is energy intensive, and Waxman-Markey is a massive energy tax will deal a severe blow to that sector.


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