Friday, July 17, 2009

Former governor says losing coal would be catastrophic

Former Governor Paul Patton has always been a strong voice for education and economic progress in Kentucky, but has he never failed to also be a strong supporter for the coal industry and the thousands of good-paying jobs that depend on continued growth and expansion of the industry to support the energy needs to make America (and Kentucky) more energy independent and that coal resources are developed in a responsible and effective manner.

From his time as Pike County Judge/Executive, in which he cast off the politics of the past to chart a progressive and innovative county administration that put programs in place to move Pike County forward, to his time as Lt. Governor and Governor, Patton emphasized the need for education reform and economic development to diversify and build the Kentucky economy, while supporting the coal industry like no Governor before.

In a recent interview with WKYT/WYMT Governor Patton makes the case that coal must remain a part of the energy equation when addressing the need for an expanding domestic energy development program.

You may view the recent interview about the need to support coal with Governor Patton by clicking here for the Patton interview.

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