Friday, July 17, 2009

Bill Needed to Spur Natural Gas Industry

By Roger Ford

A bill recently introduced by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) is the type of bi-partisan efforts needed to spur efforts to expand the use of natural gas as a transportation fuel throughout the United States. Federal legislation will set the stage at the local and state level to build a viable alternative energy industry in America.

Natural gas is a clean, viable, and abundant alternative to petroleum-based fuels. In addition, it is significantly less costly than costs to operate gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles per mile driven. Natural gas presents an economically sound, environmentally-friendly, and technologically-viable alternative fuel that will promote energy independence and security for America and break the dependence of foreign control of our energy destiny.

Kentucky is one of a handful of states that would benefit from legislation to promote natural gas as a domestic energy source. As one of the largest producers of natural gas, Kentucky will provide the production source for the emerging natural gas infrastructure for a transportation fuels market. A vibrant and growing value-added industry, with natural gas as its feedstock, will create hundreds of good-paying jobs for Kentuckians, lessen dependence on foreign energy, and generate millions of dollars in additional mineral state taxes from the development of our vast natural gas reserves in East Kentucky.

The Menendez/Hatch Natural Gas Act (S. 1408) promises to extend the life of the CLEAR Act, which was part of the comprehensive 2005 Energy Policy Act. It would extend the life for credits for natural gas vehicles and natural gas filling infrastructure, as well as new incentives for the manufacturing of natural gas-powered cars and trucks.

Likewise, Kentucky energy incentives passed in the 2007 Special Session, and the subsequent amendments in following sessions, under the watchful eye of House Majority Leader Rocky Adkins, a strong supporter for energy independence and security, along with Speaker Greg Stumbo, Representative John Will Stacy, Senate President David Williams, and Senator Robert Stivers, and Senator Ray Jones, as well as the focused efforts of Governor Steve Beshear, demonstrate the bi-partisan approach that Kentucky leaders are taking to promote diversification and energy self-sufficiency in Kentucky.

The foundation has been laid for Kentucky to emerge as a leader in energy development and deployment of new energy technologies that incorporate all facets of energy development in a balanced manner.

Every Kentuckian should contact their elected officials at the state and federal level to encourage public support for this legislation. It is vital and necessary to the energy independence of America and that Kentucky experience the vitality and economic growth for our Commonwealth that a free market effort will bring from energy development.

Look for good news ahead for Kentucky as we move forward with projects that utilize natural gas, while generating the synergy to unite this crucial energy source with other energy resources abundant in Kentucky.

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