The double-speak continued on Tuesday, with Barack Obama proclaiming he would cut foreign oil consumption by one-third. Now, which story do you believe? Barack Obama investing $2 billion in Brazilian oil exploration for his pal George Soros or Barack Obama cutting foreign energy imports by one-third and boosting domestic energy production.
The Washington Times reports that gas prices are up 100% under Obama. It is time to put up or shut for Obama. Energy security and independence is at our fingertips; however, Obama fails to lead. We have more energy resources than any other nation, yet we continue to import more and more energy.
"Feeling pain at the pump? Gas prices have doubled since Mr. Obama took office. According to the GasBuddy gasoline price tracking web site, the price of a gallon of regular gas was around $1.79 when Mr. Obama took office. Today the national average is $3.58. The lowest average price in the continental United States is $3.31 in Tulsa Oklahoma, the highest is $4.14 in Santa Barbara, CA. Four-dollar-a-gallon gas has arrived on average throughout California, and a number of other states are headed in that direction."
Economists predict $5.00 gasoline by the end of the year. With the ongoing turmoil in the Mid-East and the OPEC cartel continuing to gouge the United States--making ONE TRILLION DOLLARS this year alone--$5.00 per gallon gasoline will most likely be here by the Memorial Day holiday. Investing in new energy development, oil, natural gas, coal, biomass, and renewables, would unleash a wave of new employment and economic expansion. By focusing on cutting energy imports from OPEC, that is cutting our dependency of imports on the 30% of the energy we import from OPEC, we would not only become energy secure, but we would reduce military and foreign policy threats from Islamic terrorism and shore our economic muscle.
What could you do for ONE TRILLION DOLLARS...become energy secure? I think so. We should demand it from our leaders and expect no less. If they fail to respond, we should vote out the current leaders with elect individuals to office who will do what needs to be done--make America energy secure and break the back of the OPEC cartel.